27/08/2022 ….. Out East – Part 2 – Beaumont Nature Reserve

Beaumont NR, Day Trip, Nature Reserves, Western Australian Orchids

It is now past 11am, so we move on to our next location, Beaumont Nature Reserve. We find orchids already found today plus some new species and one hybrid, which is exciting.

Western wispy spider orchid (Caladenia microchila)

Distribution: Kondinin to Madura

Plant Height: 150-300mm

South coast donkey orchid (Diuris brockmanii)

Distribution: Ongerup to Esperance

Plant Height: 150-300mm

Sugar orchid (Ericksonella saccharata)

Distribution: Paynes Find to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 50-150mm

Common bee orchid (Diuris decrementa)

Distribution: Wongan Hills to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 80-300mm

Zebra orchid (Caladenia cairnsiana)

Distribution: Lancelin to Esperance

Plant Height: 150-400mm

Cowslip orchid (Caladenia flava subsp. flava)

Distribution: Northampton to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 80-200mm

Pink fairies (Caladenia latifolia)

Distibution: Kalbarri to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 120-450mm

Esperance white spider orchid (Caladenia longicauda subsp. crassa)

Distribution: Bremer Bay to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 200-500mm

Rigid white spider orchid (Caladenia longicauda subsp. rigidula)

Distribution: Salmon Gums to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 250-400mm

Beautiful donkey orchid (Diuris pulchella)

Distribution: Salmon Gums to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 200-500mm

Video link

Little laughing leek orchid (Prasophyllum gracile)

Distribution: Shark Bay to Eyre

Plant Height: 60-250mm

Common spider orchid (Caladenia varians)

Distribution: Kalbarri to Esperance

Plant Height: 150-300mm

Spectacular spider orchid (Caladenia x spectabilis)

Distribution: Kalbarri to Esperance

Plant Height: 100-350mm

Jug orchid (Pterostylis recurva)

Distribution: Geraldton to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 300-900mm

?? snail orchid (Pterostylis sp)

We make our way back to the Triton and have ourselves some lunch. It was whilst eating lunch we spied the nice Jug orchids flowering, which was great as prior to this we had only found a Jug orchid that had been someone else’s lunch 🙂

From here we head back to Fisheries Road and check out a spot I had checked earlier in the year. Not much found but you never know until you check.

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