06/08/2023 ….. Discovering a Diverse Array of Orchids in East Esperance: A Photographic Journey

Condingup Water Reserve, Other Reserves, Sunday Drive, Western Australian Orchids

27/08/2022 ….. Out East – Part 5 – Condingup

Day Trip, Western Australian Orchids

We now move into Condingup townsite and check out the land between Fisheries Road and Parish Street.

Common spider orchid (Caladenia varians)

Distribution: Kalbarri to Esperance

Plant Height: 150-300mm

Southern curly-locks (Thelymitra uliginosa)

Distribution: Busselton to Esperance

Plant Height: 100-300mm

Reclining spider orchid (Caladenia cruscula)

Distribution: Salmon Gums to Mt Ragged

Plant Height: 180-250mm

Common bee orchid (Diuris decrementa)

Distribution: Wongan Hills to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 80-300mm

Jug orchid (Pterostylis recurva)

Distribution: Geraldton to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 300-900mm

Dancing spider orchid (Caladenia discoidea)

Distribution: Kalbarri to Israelite Bay

Plant Height: 100-400mm

No more flowering orchids found however had to record the following finds:

A fertilised Autumn leek orchid (Prasophyllum parvifolium)

The leaf of the Rattle Beaks (Lyperanthus serratus)

A budding King-in-his-carriage (Drakea glyptodon), plus leaf.

Condingup proved a great site, however time moves on and so must we. Off to our next stop, Coolinup Road